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here it is the mazda with a 4" lift ready to go

When Mark and I were ready it was snowing outside so we installed the 4" lift and. Sam woody Installed the Gears 4.10 the next week and here are some pictrues of the finished product.

Mazda just out of the shop and into the mud

Cindy Helping out

Just haveing fun and the new gears are great

Febuary the 28th at the Canadian River Mud bog we were just massing around the next day and it had rained all night

I had to get another approach this was a mess with all the rain and I have open gears. man I did not make this

Well I tried and failed but what a great shot of my bumper. Sam woody in lubbock Tx. built them and I helped him mount them front and rear. You can find a link to his site on my links page

Well I just had to come down this way

first time (off road)

This little crack I can do this

OK so it's a little deeper than it looks

John This was a 6 or 7 in dificulty in my book

Jeff and I were just amazed at this guy's Cahones, and the Jeep with lift and superflex suspension was only ,000

Jeff and the crey back at camp for a little break

Jeff and I still watching John and his Jeep

This is a UNI MOG one awsome Military tactical vehicle. We had alpt of fun watching this vehicle run around

new trails are always fun, till you get stuck between two really big bushy trees that want to scratch your paint job.

Flexin the MOG although it dose'nt need much with 18" on the dif and 19" on the rear and 59" tires

Double flex

oh yea it's an antique, yea I know I couldnt believe that it was built in '62 either

The crew shows up on Sun. Paul jumps right in

Well I knew he would mak it I did

Exit the HOT TUB

Canyonlands National Park, UT

Falls In Southern Utah

Colorado's State Flower

Moab, Utah

Near Silverton, CO

Canyonlands National Park, UT